Feature article from Best Point Behavioral Services
Best Point Education & Behavioral Health, It's the Most Marvelous TIme of the Year - Back to School - Stabilizing things that first Month after School Starts, by Stacey Hill-Simmons, Best Point Education Superintendent.
Feature article from Dean Dorton, 8/8/2024
From our sponsor, Dean Dorton, Nonprofit Update: Chances Coming to the Uniform Guidance
Feature article from SPARK Philanthropy
Empowering Nonprofits: Navigating Financial Sustainabiliy Through Diversified Funding Strategies, by Karen Williams, Founder & President, SPARK Philanthropy LLC
Here's a feature article from our sponsor, Leadership Council for Nonprofits, Nonprofits Generate Billions in Economic Impact by Elizabeth Benson, Executive Director
GCNN Special Jobs Issue, 7/1/2024
Here's your Special Jobs Issue of the GC Non Profit News.
GC Nonprofit News, 7/11/2024
Read all the news and find your next job opportunity in our latest issue.
GC Nonprofit News, 7/4/2024
Read the July 4 holiday edition of GC Nonprofit News.
GC Nonprofit News, 6/27/2024
Find your next career opportunity and read the latest news here.
GC Nonprofit News, 6/20/2024
Read the latest issue of GC Nonprofit News.
Feature article from JVS Careers
Leveraging ChatGPT in Recruiting: A Guide for Nonprofit Organizations
By Irina Kleinerman, CPRW, Talent Acquisition and Program Manager, JVS Careers