Feature article from Best Point Behavioral Services

It’s the Most Marvelous Time of The Year – Back to School – Stabilizing things that first Month after School Starts
Stacey Hill-Simmons, Best Point Education Superintendent
I am a wife, mom, daughter, sister, niece, friend, committee member, and equally importantly, I am a long-time educator. We spend the warm summer months recharging, planning, and preparing to start the school year. Our universal official curtain call is the first day of school. This season is filled with excitement and anxiety. These preparation ideas should celebrate the festive energy associated with returning to school. Our challenge as parents is how to set up solid systems after the first day of school that results in a successful school year.
Begin setting a bedtime with an early wake-up time which coincides with your student's normal school day.
Display a school start calendar and celebrate the opening of school and the last days of summer.
Begin to visit your child's school with your child in tow to heighten the excitement and lessen the anxiety.
Celebrate the first day of school and identify goals with your child. Goals should be broken down by semester. All goalsshould not be academic in nature. Encourage a shy student to engage another student daily even if it’s just saying hello. Routinely discuss the student’s progress.
Visit your child’s school as a parent to familiarize yourself with key staff as well as the Teachers.
Revisit the purchased school supply list. Make sure your student has all the required materials.
Invest in a quality book bag to avoid the need to repurchase it.
Make sure all necessary paperwork is completed.
Get in the habit of reviewing student homework for completion and mastery.
Inquire about and attend School Open House.
Encourage your student to get involved in various programs at their school.
Inspect what you expect: If your desire is that your child has great behavior in school make sure you are dialoguing with them and the Teacher about that routinely.
Make sure the school has “good” phone numbers to reach you.
Be intentional about identifying a breakfast plan for your student.
Identify a time and space as part of your home routine that embraces and encourages “homework” and practice.
Revisit your identified bedtime routine to assess whether you need to adjust.
Monitor the school’s website to ensure you never miss a pertinent announcement.
Keep a keen eye on your child’s mental health. School can present challenges.
Establish a routine that identifies routine conversations with your child to create a safe space to share.
By leaning into the celebration of the back-to-school season, we can help our children become more organized, improve their planning and communication skills, renew their academic focus, and establish healthier routines. This season can be a time of growth and success for everyone involved. Let's make it a year of wins all around!